Traffic Bureau

Enforcing traffic laws with the mission of keeping our roadways safe for all to use and enjoy is the responsibility of the Azusa Police Department's Traffic Bureau.

Traffic collision investigation and traffic enforcement play a key role in keeping people safe in Azusa. Through education, engineering, and enforcement, our city is fortunate enough to show the significant progress in traffic safety year after year.

Traffic Enforcement

We realize no one likes to receive a traffic citation.  However, citations have been shown to greatly reduce traffic collisions, as well as a reminder to motorists their attention to the task of driving is mandatory.

Every traffic law is important, and many people think of speeding and stop sign violations when they think about getting a ticket. Our motor officers, through their first-hand experience, would like to share the top violations they see in our city:

  • Using a cell phone without a hands-free device
  • Not using a seat belt
  • Not properly securing a child in a safety seat
  • Failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk
  • "J Walking" near schools
  • Not slowing down in school zones

Remember, all of our children are equally important and all of our time is equally valuable. While school is in session, drop your children off in the designated areas or along the curb and not in the middle of the street. The majority of complaints the traffic bureau receives are related to parents behaving poorly while picking up and dropping off their children at school.

Traffic Collision Investigation

The traffic bureau reviews and conducts additional investigations, when necessary, of traffic collisions. Officers assigned to the traffic bureau attend additional California POST certified training in traffic collision investigation. This training assists them in determining not only how a collision occurred, but why it occurred. Unfortunately, many collisions occur due to violations like the ones mentioned above, or when people drive while being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

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"Professional Service To A Proud Community"