By Mike Bires on Monday, April 09, 2018
Category: Press Releases

We're Here For You. To Help And To Serve.

Each one of us became peace officers to help and serve our communities. But due to proposed legislation in Sacramento, we're concerned about the ability to do just that. 

Earlier this week, Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D-San Diego) and Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) announced they would be introducing legislation that would raise the standard for legal review, in hindsight, of an officer's decision to use force. We are concerned about the repercussions of this change for public safety. If our officers cannot respond to life and death situations until backup arrives or are forced to employ a checklist during rapidly advancing and extraordinarily dangerous situations, ultimately everyone involved is placed at a higher risk. 

Regardless of any outcome, we will always be here for you, to help and to serve. Please email and call these Assemblymembers to voice your opinion. Assemblymember Shirley Weber, 916-319-2079 and Assemblymember Kevin McCarty, 916-319-2007.