On Christmas morning, officers from the Azusa Police Department were able to facilitate some nice Christmas memories for two families within our community. The day shift patrol officers and dispatchers represented the department as they brought smiles to the children of two families.
At the last minute, the officers learned of the misfortune of these two families. Our first family was actually known to the department, as we were familiar with some challenges they had experienced over the year. Because of this, making ends meet and having the resources to make a Merry Christmas for the children was going to be a challenge.
A mother is overcome with emotion when presented gifts from the officers working dayshift in the city of Azusa.
The officers presented not only gifts, but gift cards to Chic-Fila and McDonalds. The smile that spread across the face of one of the children was a nice indicator that she was appreciative of what the officers had done.
The second family's children participate in the after-school activities at Our Neighborhood Homework House. The staff recognized that a Christmas morning delivery to these two children would also be well received and bring a smile to their faces. Officers presented them with gifts as well, which they were extremely grateful for.
The Azusa Police Department would like to recognize those "silent donors" out there who help families in our community during difficult times. Whether working with the department or on their own, the members of the Azusa community have always been there for each other.
Azusa Police Department | 725 N. Alameda Avenue | Azusa, CA 91702
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