The Azusa PD Blog

Welcome to our department's blog. We post news, information and updates pertaining to our department frequently in this section of the website.

Celebrate Responsibly: Fourth of July


 The Azusa Police Department reminds you that illegal fireworks are illegal. We encourage you to support one of the local Safe & Sane firework stands in the city. The fireworks sold in the firework stands not only help fundraise numerous community groups hosting those booths, but are also safe & sane compliant. Here are some things to consider as we approach the Fourth of July holiday:

  • No fireworks are allowed North of Sierra Madre Avenue.
  • Only Safe & Sane fireworks are allowed on Fourth of July between noon and midnight.
  • Be mindful of the affect that fireworks may have on pets and veterans.
  • Officers will be conducting extra patrols and issuing $1,000 citations to those caught igniting illegal fireworks. 
Pink Patch Project 2022
Azusa Police Department is Hiring Lateral Officers...

More Info...


"Professional Service To A Proud Community"