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  1. Ryan
  2. Investigations
  3. Thursday, June 30, 2016
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I live in the Rosedale community, and every single evening (without fail) we hear loud noises that sound like explosions or gunshots (some are single explosion sounds and others are 5-10 gunshot type sounds).

These sounds start typically around 6-7pm and end sometimes as late as 1am, and they occur throughout the evening.

I hope they are not explosions or gunshots, but wanted to see if anyone else has reported this or if the APD was aware of what might be causing these sounds. They are very disturbing and loud.

Thank you in advance.

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

We have not had any confirmed reports of gun shots in the area. However, we have had many confirmed fireworks calls (exploding sounds) for the month preceding the fourth of July. It will probably last another two weeks unfortunately. We are doing our best to locate the violators.

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