Officer Munoz being sworn in by Mayor RochaAt the city council meeting this last Tuesday, Mayor Joe Rocha and Councilman Angel Carrillo had the honor of swearing in Officer Felipe Munoz and Officer Jon Rush as Azusa Police Department's newest police officers. As is required and a tradition, police officers raise their right hand and take an oath of office to support and defend the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the State of California, and to perform their duties to the best of their abilities in the City of Azusa.
Prior to joining the Azusa Police Department, Officer Munoz was a police officer for the City of Covina for about 10 years. Officer Munoz has experience as a School Resource Officer, and he is an experienced narcotics, gangs and sex crimes investigator. He looks forward to career growth and many new opportunities here at the Azusa PD.
Officer Rush comes to the department after being a police officer with the Monrovia Police Department for the past 5 years. Officer Rush' passion is narcotics investigations and gang suppression. Prior to embarking on his career in law enforcement, he served in the Marines as a Tank Crew Member, operating an M1A1 Abrams tank, and serving in Iraq.
Noted as one of the finest Field Training Programs in the state, new officers complete 5 phases of training with 4 different training officers. Each phase lasts 5 weeks, and are meant to evaluate and test the new officers ability to perform as a solo patrol officer.
Officer Rush being sworn in by Councilman CarrilloAlthough both Officers Rush and Munoz are experienced police officers, they will proceed through a modified version of the training program, as they have already mastered many of the skills normally taught to newer officers just starting in their career.
The Azusa Police Department is proud when new members join our ranks. As one of the leading law enforcement organizations in Southern California, we are proud of the traditions we have established and the relationship we enjoy with our supportive community. If you are interested in a career with the AZPD, please check our website often for employment announcements.
Welcome Officers Rush and Munoz!
Azusa Police Department | 725 N. Alameda Avenue | Azusa, CA 91702
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