The Azusa PD Blog

Welcome to our department's blog. We post news, information and updates pertaining to our department frequently in this section of the website.

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
​ This Fourth of July, as friends and family travel to picnics and barbecues across the country, the Azusa Police Department, in partnership with local, county, and state agencies, will be out stopping impaired drivers by targeting those who put lives in danger. As you prepare to drive home from the festivities, keep in mind that impairment by alco...
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  4448 Hits
4448 Hits

Fourth of July Information

Fourth of July Information
Independence Day is coming up this Monday, July 4th. The Azusa Police Department would like to remind you to be safe this holiday. We encourage you to watch this video. On behalf of the Azusa Police Department and the Los Angeles County Fire Departme...
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  4102 Hits
4102 Hits

Illegal Fireworks and Destructive Devices Seized

Illegal Fireworks and Destructive Devices Seized
The Azusa Police Department received a tip from a concerned resident, via the City of Azusa tip software app, regarding the possession and possible sales of illegal fireworks inside a resident's garage in the 200 Block E. Azusa Lane. On July 1, 2015,...
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  8044 Hits
8044 Hits

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"Professional Service To A Proud Community"