The Azusa PD Blog

Welcome to our department's blog. We post news, information and updates pertaining to our department frequently in this section of the website.

Azusa Police Arrest Auto Theft Suspect After Brief Chase

Azusa Police Arrest Auto Theft Suspect After Brief Chase
​On Wednesday, May 31, at about 8:30 am, officers from the Azusa Police Department began tracking a stolen vehicle which was equipped with the LOJAC stolen vehicle warning system. Officers located the vehicle near the 200 block of W. Foothill Boulevard. While the officers were initiating their investigation, they saw Johnny Ray Chavarria (Age 26 fr...
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  8182 Hits
8182 Hits

Azusa Police Seek Information About Auto Theft Suspects

Azusa Police Seek Information About Auto Theft Suspects
The Azusa Police Department is seeking any information leading to the identification of the two subjects in the video attached to this article. On August 25, 2016 at 1240 pm, a female and male stole a vehicle parked in front of a business in the 200 block of E. Newburg street in the city of Azusa. The male is a heavy set Hispanic adult about 3...
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  4528 Hits
4528 Hits

Auto Theft / Carjacking Suspect Arrested

Auto Theft / Carjacking Suspect Arrested
On August 31, 2015 at about 12:02 PM, Azusa Police Officers responded to the 200 block of South Cerritos Avenue, on a report of a hit and run traffic collision. As officers arrived they found a naked male adult who was physically assaulting an elderl...
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  5743 Hits
5743 Hits

Residential Burglary and Auto Theft Investigated by Azusa Police

Residential Burglary and Auto Theft Investigated by Azusa Police
*** UPDATE *** The video described in this article has been removed from social media after further information was received regarding the individuals in the video. On April 17th, 2015, at about 4:20 pm, officers from the Azusa Police Department went...
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  4714 Hits
4714 Hits

Pursuit Ends With Azusa Police Arresting 2 Suspects

Pursuit Ends With Azusa Police Arresting 2 Suspects
Yesterday, at 3:00 p.m., an Azusa Police Officer attempted to stop a 1999 Honda Civic on Mauna Loa Street, near Citrus Avenue, for having expired registration tags.  Unknown to the officer, the Honda had been stolen from Temple City, t...
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  5882 Hits
5882 Hits

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"Professional Service To A Proud Community"