The Azusa PD Blog

Welcome to our department's blog. We post news, information and updates pertaining to our department frequently in this section of the website.

Weather Update for Burn Areas in the City of Azusa

 Azusa residents living near the burn areas along the foothills are advised to remain vigilant during the rain event this week. The Azusa Police Department asks all residents in these areas to report any excessive water flow or debris flow as a result of the rain. Azusa Police Officers are conducting routine checks in burn areas for unusual de...
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  4131 Hits
4131 Hits

Latest Storm Information For The City of Azusa - 12/17/2014 at 2:05 am

Latest Storm Information For The City of Azusa - 12/17/2014 at 2:05 am
The National Weather Service has issued a Flash Flood Watch for Azusa and the surrounding area. A cold front moving down the coast will bring numerous showers to the region overnight. There is an increasing threat of heavier downpours and a slight ch...
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  5639 Hits
5639 Hits

One Day And One Night Over For The People Of Azusa

One Day And One Night Over For The People Of Azusa
After surviving several flash flood warnings and watches from the National Weather Service, and an actual Tornado watch at 3:30 this morning, the first day and night is now behind us. Today, there is expected to be more rain, lightning and thunder. I...
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  4745 Hits
4745 Hits

After The Fire - Erosion, Flood and Debris Control

After The Fire - Erosion, Flood and Debris Control
The effects of the Colby Fire may have a lasting effect on residents of northern Azusa The Azusa Police Department would like to remind residents located near the recent burn area of the Colby Fire, to be cognizant of the potential for erosion and de...
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5751 Hits

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"Professional Service To A Proud Community"