The Azusa PD Blog

Welcome to our department's blog. We post news, information and updates pertaining to our department frequently in this section of the website.

Social Media, Detectives And KABC7 Work Together To Solve A Crime

Social Media, Detectives And KABC7 Work Together To Solve A Crime
The Azusa Police Department's Social Media Program launches with success on it's first "Be On The Lookout" release of a subject wanted for attempted robbery. The Crime This past December, a male entered the 7-Eleven Convenience Store at Fifth Street ...
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  7043 Hits
7043 Hits

Update: Purse Snatch Suspect Vehicle Photo And Information

Surveillance video reveals alledged suspect vehicle leaving the scene On January 29th at about 6:45 PM, a victim was seated to the rear of the Chipotle Restaurant at 860 E. Alosta Avenue in Azusa, having dinner.    A dark colored Toyot...
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  4818 Hits
4818 Hits

Robbery Investigation / Arrests

Robbery Investigation / Arrests
On February 5, 2014 about 5:51 PM, Azusa Police Department Officers responded to the area of Ninth St / Orange Ave, regarding a fight in progress in which three males were assaulting a lone male who was laying on the ground. Arriving officers searche...
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  7381 Hits
7381 Hits

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"Professional Service To A Proud Community"