Dear CapitanSam Fleming, your response regarding my request to pick up meds from my house at Mt Cove was very encouraging. However, when I went there around 9:30 am this morning, I was turned away by the police at the bridge. Before I went there, I called the police dept dispatch, to make sure she is aware of this. I am so disappointed.
The policeman who did not allow me to cross the bridge told me to call my doctor to get a emergency refill and pick up the meds from a local pharmacy. For me, a retiree, this is a lot of trouble, not only it is a waste of time, also, I don't have the economy resource to pay for extra meds due to unexpected fire situation.
When I was there, I didn't see any flames. I only need 5 or 10 min to pick up what I need, and yet, there was no consideration extended. Based on your video, no one knows how long this evacuaction will last, I am asking you again to allow me go back to my house to pick up the meds. Just give me a time that is convenient for the police dept and I will be there.
Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
Ramona Bee