The Azusa PD Blog

Welcome to our department's blog. We post news, information and updates pertaining to our department frequently in this section of the website.

Azusa Police to Increase Efforts to End Impaired Driving

Azusa Police to Increase Efforts to End Impaired Driving
​ This Labor Day, the Azusa Police Department  Reminds Citizens to Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over  In Effort to End Impaired Driving The end of summer is traditionally marked by the Labor Day holiday, a time for our country to reflect on the hard work of our fellow Americans. The long weekend is celebrated through picnics, pool parties, a...
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  4374 Hits
4374 Hits

Vehicle Pursuit

Vehicle Pursuit
On 01-27-2017 at 8:06 PM, Azusa Police Officers attempted to stop a vehicle in the City of Azusa, near the intersection of 5th Street and Dalton Avenue, for a traffic related violation. The driver failed to stop and led officers on a vehicle pursuit from the City of Azusa through the City of Monrovia and ultimately into the City of Duarte. The vehi...
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  9363 Hits
9363 Hits

Not The Normal Way To Smoke Drugs

Not The Normal Way To Smoke Drugs
This last week, detectives and personnel from the Azusa Police Department purged a large quantity of drugs from the department's storage facility. This is periodically done by the department, after receiving an order from the courts. Thanks to the ex...
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  5877 Hits
5877 Hits

Date Rape Drugs Might Have Met Their Fate

Date Rape Drugs Might Have Met Their Fate
Since Azusa is home to Azusa Pacific University, our department takes note when we see something which might have an impact on our student population. This morning, our attention was grabbed when we stumbled across an article about some college stude...
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  7977 Hits
7977 Hits

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"Professional Service To A Proud Community"