The Azusa PD Blog

Welcome to our department's blog. We post news, information and updates pertaining to our department frequently in this section of the website.

Local Police Agencies Work To Help Homeless

Local Police Agencies Work To Help Homeless
​ The homeless population in Southern California has been on the rise for several years and the numbers continue to grow.The East San Gabriel Valley region where the cities of Azusa, Covina, Glendora, and West Covina are located is no exception. The homeless population in the region often experience mental health issues, substance abuse disorders, ...
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  10107 Hits
10107 Hits

Your Trash And The Law: What Azusa Residents Need To Know

Your Trash And The Law: What Azusa Residents Need To Know
Recently, a resident inquired over the legality of people going through their trash cans, and collecting items.  Presumably, and more often than not, these individuals are looking for items which can be recycled, to sell at a local center. Howev...
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  9766 Hits
9766 Hits

Azusa Police To Hold First "Coffee With A Cop"

Azusa Police To Hold First "Coffee With A Cop"
Building relationships with members of the community is a key component to successful community policing. The Azusa Police Department has always been proud of the service we provide to the residents, business owners and visitors to the city of Azusa....
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  6888 Hits
6888 Hits

Azusa PD Starts Operation "Chill"

Azusa PD Starts Operation "Chill"
We're Issuing Tickets To Kids Starting July 24th, the Azusa Police Department will be kicking off "Operation Chill." Our police officers will be out in force issuing tickets to kids who are demonstrating good behavior. No warnings will be issued, and...
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  8512 Hits
8512 Hits

Violations Found At Massage Parlors By Azusa PD

Violations Found At Massage Parlors By Azusa PD
Yesterday, the Azusa Police Department partnered with the City of Azusa Code Enforcement Division, California Employment Development Department, Department of Industrial Relations, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department's Major Cri...
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  8078 Hits
8078 Hits

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"Professional Service To A Proud Community"