The Azusa PD Blog

Welcome to our department's blog. We post news, information and updates pertaining to our department frequently in this section of the website.

Azusa Police Department's Student of The Month

Azusa Police Department's Student of The Month
The February 2015 recipient of the Azusa Police Department's School Resource Officer Student of The Month Award is Angel Maldonado. Angel is a Senior at Azusa High School. He is very active in sports, and has received the following awards: Honorable ...
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  5569 Hits
5569 Hits

January 2015 SRO Student of The Month - Melissa Lopez

January 2015 SRO Student of The Month - Melissa Lopez
The January 2015 recipient of the Azusa Police Department's School Resource Officer Student of The Month Award is Melissa Lopez. Ironically, Melissa is the sister of Melissa Lopez, who received the award in November of 2014. Melissa is a Senior at Az...
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  6375 Hits
6375 Hits

Azusa High School Student Of The Month

Azusa High School Student Of The Month
Due to several events occurring in the city, and the Christmas and Thanksgiving breaks, we did not have a chance to share with the community the SRO Student of The Month for November.  Introducing Blanca Lopez Blanca is a senior at Azusa High Sc...
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  6418 Hits
6418 Hits

Azusa High Student Receives First Ever SRO Student Of The Month Award

Azusa High Student Receives First Ever SRO Student Of The Month Award
There's a new program at the Azusa High School geared towards bridging the gap between police officers and high school students. Developed by Officer Roland Martinez, who is the school resource officer on the campus, the first "SRO Student Of The Mon...
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  7103 Hits
7103 Hits

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"Professional Service To A Proud Community"